Wednesday, August 17, 2011

FiOS line, by FEiGENSON

You may have seen (or been annoyed by) the line "FiOS, A NETWORK AHEAD" in about a bazillion places over the last few months. TV, Print, Web, I even saw a freakin' Cessna 5,000 feet in the air dragging a huge banner with those very words. I wrote it (along with about 375 other Verizon lines) when I worked at McGarryBowen in 2010. Then I left. Then Verizon bought it. Funny how that works. It's my fourth 'famous' tagline in this thing I'll call a career. Maybe I'll dig up the others and post 'em. Maybe you'll remember being annoyed by those too.


Anonymous Red Velvet Cake Gary said...

Well, what do ya know?! Cool beans, Mark. I wasn't annoyed by it, which is sayin something. Well done! Glad to see you back on the blog...

3:03 AM  

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